Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thanks! You're All Signed Up, Friend!

Has Anyone Told You You're Amazing Today? Well, it's true!

Thank you SO much for signing up for The Rising Spoon blog posts as they're published! You're seriously my hero right now. :) 

Here's what you can expect going forth: when I create a new post and it goes live, you'll get an email with a snippet + a link to the post so you don't miss a thing. I typically create 1-2 new posts a week that focus on any of the following topics: real food recipes, DIY crafts & natural living tips. I promise not to overrun your inbox!

Be sure to place on your approved senders list to prevent my emails from going to the spam folder. Better yet, if you're on Gmail, drag my emails from the Promotions tab over to the Social or Primary tab so you don't miss any updates!

Now that you're subscribed, if you'd like to learn more about the types of topics I share on The Rising Spoon, hop over to my About Me and Food Philosophy pages to get to know me better.

You can also check out my most popular and helpful posts on the blog:

Real Food Recipes

DIY Crafts

Natural Living Posts

Before You Go...Let's Connect on Social Media!

I spend way too much time on FacebookInstagramPinterest, and Twitter, so those are good places to reach out if you have a question, want to strike up a conversation, or just follow along for inspirational ideas relating to real food, DIY & natural living.  

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