Thursday, January 15, 2015

Lemon Vanilla Coconut Butter Bites

These bite-sized coconut butter treats are buttery, fragrant, and filled with healthy fats and fiber to keep you satiated when a sugar or carbohydrate craving strikes. Make a batch in minutes, pop them in the freezer for thirty minutes, then enjoy! (Vegan, Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free)

When I fixed a batch of homemade coconut butter last week, it was for the sole purpose of making this recipe. That's right. Sometimes I plan ahead. I haven't talked about it on the blog, but I'm a HUGE fan of lemony sweets. Lemon cookies, lemon pound cake, lemon macaroons...and the list goes on. 

I typically don't make or buy sweets in my home because my boyfriend hardly eats them, which means I will eat the whole batch myself. This is my way of exerting self-control. It works really well, except for that time of the month when a sudden craving for sweet or salty snacks springs out of nowhere. 

If it's 8 or 9 p.m. when the craving strikes, my options are limited to my local chain grocery store, pharmacy, or gas station. I can tell you, nothing good comes from those trips! I usually end up wasting 30 minutes scanning the back labels of cookies or treats, only to come out disappointed.

Coconut Butter Bites to Satiate Sugar & Carb Cravings

To save myself some heartache and make my belly happy when I'm craving sweets or refined carbohydrates, I made these coconut butter bites. They're full of healthy fats and fiber from the coconut oil and coconut butter, naturally sweetened with real maple syrup, and flavored using fragrant homemade vanilla extract and my favorite therapeutic-grade lemon essential oil or fresh lemon juice. 

These coconut butter treats are bite sized and super quick to make, so I can fix a small batch, store them in a mason jar in my fridge, and grab one whenever I have a craving or need a boost of energy.

It's Even Delicious Without Maple Syrup & Vanilla 

This time of year, there are lots of folks on the Whole 30 diet, which means they're cutting out ALL forms of added sugar, even if it's unrefined like maple syrup or raw honey. 

If this is you, I can personally vouch that this recipe tastes great without a sweetener and vanilla extract (Whole30 folks can't have alcohol). I made a point to taste the mixture before adding the maple syrup, vanilla extract, and lemon essential oil. It's delicious, just more buttery. 

If you're doing the Whole30 Program or 21 Day Sugar Detox, these are handy snacks to have around while you're detoxing from sugar. Healthy fats, like coconut oil, will help keep you satiated and banish those cravings!

Lemon Vanilla Coconut Butter Bites Recipe | These bite-sized coconut butter treats are buttery, fragrant, and filled with healthy fats and fiber to keep you satiated when a sugar or carbohydrate craving strikes. Make a batch in minutes, pop them in the freezer for thirty minutes, then enjoy! (vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free)

Lemon Vanilla Coconut Butter Bites
These bite-sized coconut butter treats are buttery, fragrant, and filled with healthy fats and fiber to keep you satiated when a sugar or carbohydrate craving strikes. Make a batch in minutes, pop them in the freezer for thirty minutes, then enjoy!
Yield: approximately 12-15 treats (depending on the size of your molds)

1/2 cup of homemade coconut butter (or get it HERE)
1/2 cup of unsweetened, finely shredded coconut (like THIS)
1/4 cup of melted coconut oil (I used THIS)
1 tablespoon of real maple syrup
1 teaspoon of homemade vanilla extract
1 pinch of sea salt (I used THIS)
10-15 drops of therapeutic-grade lemon essential oil OR 1/4 cup of fresh lemon juice

(Note: If you're doing the Whole30 Program or 21 Day Sugar Detox, you can leave out the maple syrup and vanilla extract. It will still taste amazing!)

Recommended Equipment
silicone mold (I used THIS)

Measure the coconut butter and coconut flakes into a bowl and mash them down with a fork. Melt the coconut oil on low in a saucepan until it turns liquid (it doesn't need to get super hot), then pour it into the coconut butter mixture. 

Stir until the coconut butter begins to melt and the mixture becomes liquidy. Add in the maple syrup, vanilla extract, sea salt, and lemon essential oil or lemon juice. Stir until everything is well incorporated and taste. At this point, you can make it more tart or sweet, or even adjust the texture by adding more coconut flakes or coconut oil. 

When it tastes right to you, pour into the silicone molds and place in the freezer for 30 minutes or until the coconut butter bites are completely solid. For the best texture, store these treats in the fridge in a container with a tightly covered lid. You can keep them on the counter, but coconut oil will melt in warmer temperatures (above 76 degrees), so it will get messy!

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Lemon Vanilla Coconut Butter Bites (Vegan, Dairy-Free & Gluten-Free) | These bite-sized coconut butter treats are buttery, fragrant, and filled with healthy fats and fiber to keep you satiated when a sugar or carbohydrate craving strikes. Make a batch in minutes, pop them in the freezer for thirty minutes, then enjoy!

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