Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Thanksgiving Round-Up: Last Minute Dish Suggestions + Leftovers

Hello, my last-minute lovelies! 

Are you still deliberating on specific side dishes to serve at Thanksgiving? Maybe you're responsible for bringing one thing and haven't solidified your choice? Or, you know what type of dish you're cooking, but haven't honed in on a specific preparation or variation?       

Then again, maybe you've completely planned everything down to the napkin placements and are merely perusing Thanksgiving round-up sites for sheer fun. (Aren't you lucky!) 

Either way, I've assembled pictures and links to a few of my recipes that I think are Thanksgiving-worthy, plus ideas for leftovers. And a few other recipes suggestions that aren't my own.

So don't fret. Between my round-up and the bazillion others across the interwebs, you'll be fine! 

*  * *
Roasted Brussel Sprouts is a popular healthy veggie dish for Thanksgiving, but lots of people disdain it.  I happen to love them, but I understand. Instead, try this equally healthy, but SUPER tasty roasted purple cauliflower. This dish will surely brighten up your table and amaze the skeptics. The lemon juice, garlic, parmesan combo is fabulous!!! And guess what? The vegan version is EVEN BETTER. That's right, substitute nutritional yeast for and even more potent cheese flavor. :)

The Rising Spoon Blog: Roasted Purple Cauliflower with Parmesan, Lemon & Garlic

2. Twice Baked Japanese Sweet Potatoes with Goat Cheese, Medjool Dates, Walnuts & Raw Honey
Bored with plain ol' sweet potatoes topped with butter, brown sugar and marshmallows? Ditch the marshmallows and upgrade to a more sophisticated sweet potato. If you're serving a large crowd, it's more economical to boil or bake the lot of 'em, mash 'em together with goat cheese and spices (and butter if you like), then top with nuts, dates and honey. Leave out the dates if you don't have them. Let me tell you, though. They're amaaazing together. Using a japanese sweet potato isn't necessary, but it makes a huge difference in my opinion. This potato has a more subtle, delicate flavor that is great on its own. That's right...it's delicious plain. I'm not crazy, guys. Try it sometime! 

3. Roasted Butternut Squash Seasoned Two Ways
Not a fan of sweet potatoes? Want to provide more options the diabetics in your family? While everyone is snarfing down rolls and mashed white potatoes, carb and sugar-sensitive folks can feel left out. Roasted winter squash, especially butternut squash is a good way to avoid this. You can season it similar to sweet potatoes without adding sugar, or switch it up with savory spices. As long as they keep their portion reasonable at about 1/2 a cup, it's a healthy way to enjoy carbs.

4. Homemade Pumpkin Pie Spice
The majority of American households serve pumpkin pie on Thanksgiving. If you're making it this year, please, please, please don't buy a tiny $6 bottle from the store. You probably have almost all of the spices already in your kitchen pantry. If not, it's still cheaper to make your own! Plus, If you scroll down this page you'll find recipes for Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Pumpkin-Apple Harvest Muffins. It's not just for pumpkin pie, folks!

5. Vegan Pumpkin Spice Lattes
A bonafide Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte that is vegan-friendly and inexpensive. Great way to use up leftover pumpkin & pumpkin spice. It's very flexible, too. Use whatever milk you have on hand. You can leave the sugar out and have everyone add it directly into their cup. This way your diabetic relatives can partake, as well! I'm planning on making a batch in the crock-pot to serve Thanksgiving morning. :)

6. Pumpkin-Apple Harvest Muffins
A super moist, low-fat muffin chock-full of fall flavors. You can whip up a batch in less than 30 minutes and have them around the house or apartment for breakfast, snacks and dessert.

7. Vegan Pumpkin Spice & Cinnamon Oatmeal
If you're cooking all day Wednesday and Thursday, then plan on hitting the streets for Black Friday or Small-Business Saturday, you'll need a nourishing breakfast to keep you going. If you're a fan of oatmeal, jazz it up with pumpkin spice and cinnamon, pour in extra milk of your choice, sweeten with raw honey, turbinado or maple syrup, then add in some blueberries, sliced bananas or chopped walnuts. This will stick to your ribs and keep you satiated. Can you say power food? 

The Rising Spoon Blog: Vegan Pumpkin Spice & Cinnamon Oatmeal

Okay, now that I've listed my lucky seven Thanksgiving recipe suggestions, here are two that will work perfectly with leftover roasted turkey. White or dark meat doesn't matter. Of course, you'll probably want a day or two's worth of turkey sandwiches first. They're my favorite!

Cast-Iron Chicken Pot Pie with a Puff Pastry Crust

White Chicken Chili

And last, but not least, let me wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. The older you become, the faster time warps ahead, so enjoy the company of loved ones, whether they're family or friends. 


I'd like to hear from YOU!

What's the best side dish served at your Thanksgiving feast?  

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog. However, I ONLY recommend helpful products that I myself would use. And I'm really picky about what I share with you guys. Because I myself am super choosy about what I buy and consume. Recommending products that I love or want to own helps me cover the costs of running this blog and keep providing you with free, helpful information. And it costs nothing extra for you. Thanks!  

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