Saturday, December 6, 2014

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts (Crafts, Beauty & Personal Care)

Need ideas for homemade Christmas gifts that are easy to make and will actually get used? I've got you covered! Check out this list of DIY crafts and personal care recipes for inspiration! 
50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts (Crafts & Personal Care)
It's about that time of year, y'all. You know, the time when crafty go-getters are finishing up their perfectly planned holiday presents (not me!) and all the rest of us aspiring Type-B crafters are scrambling for holiday gift ideas to make for friends and loved ones. 

Well, put on your comfy pants and a little calming essential oil if you have it, and take a breather before the holiday madness starts. I've got you covered! I spent far too much time roaming the interwebs collecting 50+ awesome DIY projects involving homemade beauty & personal care products and cool (yet practical) knick-knacks to use around the home. 

Several of these recipes are my own tried and true projects that I've given as gifts for the past several years. In fact, I'm making more peppermint lip balm to give out for Christmas. And even better, the vast majority of these holiday gifts can be made in only a few hours!

I'll be posting a separate list soon with edible food gifts (my favorite), so keep an eye out for that.  

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts Ideas

Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes:

Homemade beauty & personal care products made with inexpensive, non-toxic ingredients are THE BEST. They smell amazing, work really well, and are SO much healthier than most department store stuff (no weird additives).

We're talking simple ingredients like cane sugar, carrier oil (olive oil, grapeseed oil, avocado oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, or coconut oil), beeswax (pastilles or bars), shea butter, cocoa butter, raw honey, vitamin E oil, vegetable glycerin, essential oils, and more.
Most of these ingredients last a long time and can be used in a bunch of different personal care/DIY beauty recipes so you can continue to craft stuff for yourself and loved ones all year long. 

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Beauty & Personal Care Recipes

Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (No-Sew):

Awesome and easy DIY crafts for those of us who like to create but don't own a sewing machine. Can you relate? Making these types of homemade Christmas gifts are usually less time and skill intensive, yet they always impress!  
50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (No Sew)

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (No Sew)

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (No Sew)

Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (Requires Sewing or Extra Tools):

Yes, I know these are all supposed to be "easy", but that's a relative term, right?  Some folks think sewing and using drills or saws IS easy. ;) I mostly wanted to add these cause I think they're all cool. Especially the giant Jenga set. That would be SO much fun to play!

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (Sewing & Extra Tools)

50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts - Crafts (Sewing & Extra Tools)

Homemade Christmas Gifts - Gift Wrapping Ideas

Make your homemade gift extra special by wrapping or decorating it with something you created yourself! The middle picture (below) is a neat way to give out gift cards with a homemade touch. 
50+ Easy Homemade Christmas Gifts  - Gift Wrapping & Tags

Nifty Containers For Your Homemade Gifts
DIY Christmas Gift Containers

I'd like to hear from YOU!

What are your favorite tried and true recipes or DIY projects to give away during the holidays? 

Need ideas for homemade Christmas gifts that are easy to make and will actually get used? I've got you covered! Check out this list of DIY crafts and personal care recipes for inspiration!
P.S. Keep Reading! More Posts From The Rising Spoon:

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